Crumbs is a fun visual messaging tool to get unbiased reviews and opinions from your friends. Just a single swipe can help your friend in shopping, selecting a holiday destination, selecting a gift for another friend,selecting a t-shirt design for a college event, or just telling her you've accepted the coffee invitation. Just Crumb it!Crumbs can be photo questions, comments, or just something fun. The answer is a sentiment, affirmative or negative because we feel in today's fast paced world nuance is overrated!
Any friend reacting to your crumb is automatically added to your network. So build your network fast.
With Crumbs you can:1. RECEIVE CRUMB: Help your friends by sharing your reaction or opinion, just swipe the crumb right or left. You can respond right from your lock screen as well2. SEND CRUMB: Easily create a crumb using text and image3. BUZZ: Check the buzz your crumb created3. CREATE GROUPS: Select friends and add them to a group